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••• Dear Joe •••

It's time for the first installment of our 'Dear Joe' advice column. New York Yankees manager Joe Girardi has kindly agreed to contribute some solid advice to all of our readers, so if you have any problems you need help with, don't be afraid to ask an average Joe!

Our question for today comes from Tampa, Fl.

Dear Joe,

I'm a manager at a local McDonald's. My staff is very competent and they're the best at what they do. We have the best burger flippers and french fry fryers in the country. But something is going wrong. For some reason, we keep missing orders, and costumers are leaving unsatisfied. I've been a manager here for a year and a half, and have cost the franchise a lot of losses. What do I do?

Please help,
Desperate & soon-to-be Unemployed

Dear Desperate & soon-to-be Unemployed,

You're lucky because I know exactly what you're going through. I may have never flipped a burger, but I'm the manager on the New York Yankees and I wear the number 27 on my back, so my words count for a lot.
Here's what you do: you need to rotate your staff around based on the order the customer is giving you. It's called "micromanaging", and I live by it.
Let's say a customer orders a Big Mac Meal, supersized, without pickles. Your first action as manager should be to bring out your Big Mac patty specialist. Don't be fooled into thinking that all burger-flippers are the same. You need to put in the Big Mac Burger-flipping Specialist to face the Big Mac-loving customer.
After the specialist burns the burger, you need to throw the Burger-Scraping specialist in there to try and salvage what's left of the meat. It'll probably be completely burnt, so don't worry if he can't save more than half the meat.

Your next job is to put the Sauce-Applier in. Make sure he specializes in the Big Mac sauce, because every sauce requires a different delivery. So the way to manage this is to "pinch-hit" several saucer-appliers every day.

Then, after half of the meat is salvaged and the sauce is slapped on, you should push your bun-tosser, the "Cody Ransom" of your squad, into the kitchen so he can fumble around with the buns and screw up by putting pickles on there, when the customer clearly asked for no pickles.You'll probably end up with a sloppy joe after your bun-tosser is through with his job, but if you cover it up by using big words while talking to the customer, you might be able to fake it well enough to keep your job another day.
Don't be afraid to utilize your bun-tosser. Your senior staff members will need days off, so throw the bun-tosser in there to fill up empty positions. He'll screw up every work station in the place, but I believe that a poorly done job is better than no job done at all.

And my final piece of advice is: Forget the fries and the drink, you're too far behind schedule by now to worry about the peripherals.

I hope that helped!


That's the BeeBz Effect. Can you feel it?


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